Call for Sponsors
Support our school programs and together we can donate much needed sanitizing solutions to the schools and teachers that need it most.

Public schools desperately need our help. We are calling for generous sponsors and businesses like you to partner up to help meet some of their requests.
With public schools across the U.S. closing and having difficulty safely re-opening, we felt that we could play a small part in assisting a safe return for kids, school staff, and teachers. So, from day one we began our Public Schools Donation Program that helps us donate hand sanitizer, touch-free sanitizer stands, and dispensers to public schools nationwide.
After our first few donations, we quickly realized that schools have a massive need for the sanitizing products that we offer. As word spread, we soon became overwhelmed and flooded with donation requests. Many teachers have been allocated just one pump bottle of sanitizer for their class, and schools just a few dispensers and stands. Additionally, teachers have been purchasing needed supplies out of pocket in an effort to keep students and staff safe.
Our team soon realized that our small program had the potential to make a large impact. As a family owned small business though, we did not have the resources to do it alone. As a result, our team is calling for sponsors, businesses, places of worship, charities and foundations that would like to help out schools too.
Simply put, without our sponsors, Swan Sanitizers would not be able to provide as many products to public schools across the country. Whether it is a small contribution or a large corporate sponsorship, all dollars help minimize further outbreaks and closures within schools. By becoming a sponsor, you are furthering our mission and helping make a difference.
Our Mission & Values
Our mission is to donate sanitizer products to help keep public schools safe. We believe small acts of kindness can make big differences. We value giving back, especially in times of need.

Sponsorship Opportunities
Our school sponsorship program is making an impact on our communities, teachers, school children, and school staff and we’re now looking for partners to help meet current needs.
$1000 - $5000+
$10,000 - $25,000+
$50,000 - $100,000+
$250,000 - $500,000+
1. Choose a sponsorship opportunity and contribution amount based on the # of schools you’d like to help
2. We work with school districts to allocate needed products based on 100% of your contribution dollars
3. Sanitizer, stands, and/or dispensers are delivered to schools along with a detailed order sheet

Additional Sponsorship Perks
This is a unique opportunity to build stronger community ties, help public school students and staff stay safe, and be closely associated with a unique and timely program.
- Build strong community ties
- Help school students and staff stay safe by promoting hand hygiene
- Help schools safely reopen and stay open
- Be associated with a helpful and in-demand school program
- Improve brand sentiment
- Optional logo/branding added to sanitizer stands
- Your business mentioned in school newsletters and portals
- Your logo and link on our school sponsorship page
- Potential press coverage
- Shout outs on social media